NonStop RPM Advanced Setup

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RPM Advanced Setup


RPM installation and configuration provide a wide range of customization. Discussion of such options is best understood by breaking the discussion into user experience levels. The discussion below of RPM Setup options is broken down into user levels 1, 2, 3; where a Level-1 user is a beginning user, a Level-2 user is an intermediate user, and a Level-3 user is an advanced user.

Level-1 – Beginning User
Level-2 – Intermediate User
Level-3 – Advanced User

Level-1 Beginning Users

RPM installation, configuration, and customization for a beginning RPM user are entirely provided by running RPMWIZ (RPM WIZARD) and answering basic question and answer prompts. The goal for a beginning user is to get the user started as quickly as possible without requiring any intermediate or advanced knowledge about RPM. For the beginning RPM user, their RPM installation and configuration environment is entirely created by entering RUN RPMWIZ at a TACL prompt, then answering a few questions at prompts as shown in examples at

Beginning Users – a beginning RPM user is someone with no knowledge of RPM or its configuration files. For a beginning RPM user, RPM installation and configuration files are automatically generated by running RPMWIZ. The RPM configurations generated by RPMWIZ are limited to options contained in the files RPMCNF, RPMVTCNF, and RPM65CNF. These 3 configuration files correspond to following three types of RPM clients:

TACL > RUN RPM     – RPM obeys RPMCNF which contains options for TTY devices (and RPM clients) **
TACL > RUN RPMVT – RPMVT obeys RPMVTCNF which contains options for VT100 or ANSI devices
TACL > RUN RPM65  – RPM65 obeys RPM65CNF which contains options for T6530 devices

** The file $System.System.RPMCNF is unique because it is used by both TTY device users as well as by other RPM programs. For more info about RPMCNF file alternatives see the intermediate and advanced user discussion below. For beginning RPM users, understanding of RPM is entirely limited to running RPMWIZ, then answering a few questions, and then running either: RPM, or RPM65, or RPMVT which correspond to TTY, T6530, and VT100/ANSI client devices.

For intermediate and advanced RPM users there are a nearly infinite number of possible installation setup and configuration options. These options are discussed below in detail. 

Level-2 Intermediate Users

RPM installation, configuration, and customization for an intermediate RPM user are achieved by a combination of RPMWIZ runs along with manual customization of the resulting RPM configuration files. For example for an intermediate user, the files RPMCNF, RPMVTCNF, or RPM65CNF can be generated using RPMWIZ, but then these files can be manually edited. For this category of user, the RPM environment can initially be created by entering RUN RPMWIZ at a TACL prompt and answering prompts, and then generated CNF files can be manually customized using various SET commands documented in the RPM manual to precisely meet user's requirements. Intermediate RPM users must understand that report commands can be added to RPM65CNF and RPMVTCNF files, and any other custom CNF files, but report commands cannot be placed in the $System.System.RPMCNF file.

Intermediate Users - in order to make changes to configuration files, an intermediate RPM user must understand that the file $System.System.RPMCNF contains options that are used by both TTY device clients and also by RPM itself whenever RPM starts other instances of RPM programs. RPM starts other instances of RPM whenever \<node> or \* syntax is specified in report commands such as CPU, PB, or ZOOM.

To elaborate further, when RPM is launched, RPM automatically obeys any commands contained in the configuration file corresponding to its object code file. For example, if RPM is executed, it looks for a configuration file that has a name which is the concatenation of its object file name (in this case "RPM") and the suffix "CNF" (likewise RPMVT and RPM65 look for configuration files named RPMVTCNF and RPM65CNF). Thus when RPM is executed, it looks for and auto obeys a file named RPMCNF. Once RPM auto obeys the conf file, depending on the command entered, RPM may recursively launch other instances of RPM to obtain various types of RPM reports. As an example, consider an RPM configuration file named RPMCNF containing the following commands:

RPMCNF Example:


Given the above file named RPMCNF, the following explains what occurs when an RPM user enters the following command:

TACL 1 > RPM P \*

When the RPM example above is first executed, RPM searches for a file which is the concatenation of its object file name "RPM" and "CNF" which yields "RPMCNF". If RPM finds such a file, it auto obeys RPMCNF which contains various SET commands, and also adds nodes to the RPM environment via the ADD \A and ADD \B commands.

Then RPM performs the startup command P \* which recursively launches other instances of RPM on nodes \A and \B ... and those other instances of RPM also auto obey $System.System.RPMCNF. It is for this reason that the RPM configuration file $System.System.RPMCNF must not contain a report command since doing so would cause infinite recursion. This is why RPMWIZ prevents and ignores addition of report commands such as CPU, PB, or ZOOM in the file named $System.System.RPMCNF because doing so could place subordinate RPM server instances into recursion and would repeat modal display which would block further communication with those RPM instances. Note, this does not mean you cannot put report commands in RPM configuration files, it simply means you need knowledge about how to do this.

Further note that report commands CPU, PB, and ZOOM are allowed in configuration files named RPMVTCNF and RPM65CNF. Report commands can also be placed at the end of any RPM configuration file, except for the RPM configuration file named $System.System.RPMCNF. This allows a number of advanced installation and runtime features discussed below in the advanced user section.

 Level-3 Advanced Users

RPM installation, configuration, and customization for an advanced RPM user can also be done manually by creating entirely new RPM object and configuration files. For an advanced user, the files RPMCNF, RPMVTCNF, or RPM65CNF can be manually edited, but also numerous additional RPM object and configuration files can be created with other names. For this category of user, all the techniques discussed above for beginning and intermediate users can be used. But also the RPM environment can be further manually customized by creating new RPM object and configuration files containing various SET and report commands documented in the RPM manual.  

Advanced Users - In order to be an advanced RPM user, a user must understand:
1) The file $System.System.RPMCNF contains options that are used for both TTY device clients and by RPM itself.
2) The file $System.System.RPMCNF cannot contain report commands because RPMCNF is used by RPM server instances. 
3) The RPM object file can be duplicated with a unique new name to create an unlimited number of new customized RPM environments.

To explain further, whenever any RPM object file is launched, regardless of its name (for example, RPM could be named XXXXX where XXXXX can be any alphanumeric name from 1 to 5 characters in length) that instance of RPM will automatically obey commands contained in a configuration file corresponding to its own object file name (in this case XXXXX) concatenated with "CNF".

So given an RPM configuration file named XXXXXCNF, users can FUP DUP RPM, XXXXX; then RUN XXXXX, and that instance of RPM will look for a configuration file that has a name which is the concatenation of its own object file name (in this case "XXXXX") and the suffix "CNF" which yields the configuration file named XXXXXCNF (just as when you run RPM, RPMVT, and RPM65 they look for configuration files named RPMCNF, RPMVTCNF, and RPM65CNF respectively).

Further note as long as an RPM configuration file is not named $System.System.RPMCNF it can include report commands such as CPU, PB, and ZOOM regardless of the settings for SET TERM TTY, or SET TERM 6530, or SET TERM VT100.

IPUCNF Example:

As an example consider an RPM configuration file named IPUCNF containing the following commands:


If you then create a copy of RPM named IPU using the command FUP DUP RPM, IPU; and then given the above file IPUCNF, the following occurs whenever you enter the following:

Realtime Process Monitor(RPM) - T0877 (15FEB15)
Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Hewlett Packard Company

Cpus     Cp HH:MM SS IPUs Cpu% i0% i1% i2% i3% i4% i5% i6% i7%
-------- -- -------- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
\ANYNODE  0 09:51:10    6
          1 09:51:10    6
          2 09:51:10    6
          3 09:51:10    6   10  10  10  10  10  10  10
Process  Cpu,Pin Affn IPU Busy% Name     RPM T0877(15FEB15) ET=10.0 Top
-------- ------- ---- --- ----- -------- -------------------------- ---
\ANYNODE  3,27   Bind   2 10.05 $IQ2     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             1
09:51:10  3,28   Bind   3 10.05 $IQ3     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             2
 .031154  3,29   Bind   4 10.05 $IQ4     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             3
          3,26   Bind   1 10.04 $IQ1     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             4
          3,30   Bind   5 10.04 $IQ5     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             5
          3,25   Bind   0 10.03 $IQ0     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             6
          3,19   Soft   3   .07 $RPMX    $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.SEEVIEW       7
          0,274  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP        8
          1,274  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP        9
          2,273  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP       10

Cpus     Cp HH:MM SS IPUs Cpu% i0% i1% i2% i3% i4% i5% i6% i7%
-------- -- -------- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
\ANYNODE  0 09:51:20    6
          1 09:51:20    6
          2 09:51:20    6
          3 09:51:20    6   20  20  20  20  20  20  20
Process  Cpu,Pin Affn IPU Busy% Name     RPM T0877(15FEB15) ET=10.0 Top
-------- ------- ---- --- ----- -------- -------------------------- ---
\ANYNODE  3,27   Bind   2 20.03 $IQ2     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             1
09:51:20  3,28   Bind   3 20.03 $IQ3     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             2
 .033676  3,29   Bind   4 20.03 $IQ4     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             3
          3,30   Bind   5 20.03 $IQ5     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             4
          3,26   Bind   1 20.02 $IQ1     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             5
          3,25   Bind   0 20.00 $IQ0     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             6
          1,389  Soft   3   .18 $ZCMOM   $SYSTEM.SYS01.CIMOM          7
          3,19   Soft   3   .07 $RPMX    $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.SEEVIEW       8
          0,274  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP        9
          1,274  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP       10

Cpus     Cp HH:MM SS IPUs Cpu% i0% i1% i2% i3% i4% i5% i6% i7%
-------- -- -------- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
\ANYNODE  0 09:51:30    6
          1 09:51:30    6
          2 09:51:30    6
          3 09:51:30    6   30  30  30  30  30  30  30
Process  Cpu,Pin Affn IPU Busy% Name     RPM T0877(15FEB15) ET=10.0 Top
-------- ------- ---- --- ----- -------- -------------------------- ---
\ANYNODE  3,26   Bind   1 30.03 $IQ1     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             1
09:51:30  3,27   Bind   2 30.03 $IQ2     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             2
 .036190  3,28   Bind   3 30.03 $IQ3     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             3
          3,29   Bind   4 30.03 $IQ4     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             4
          3,30   Bind   5 30.03 $IQ5     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             5
          3,25   Bind   0 29.98 $IQ0     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             6
          3,19   Soft   3   .07 $RPMX    $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.SEEVIEW       7
          0,274  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP        8
          1,274  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP        9
          2,273  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP       10

Cpus     Cp HH:MM SS IPUs Cpu% i0% i1% i2% i3% i4% i5% i6% i7%
-------- -- -------- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
\ANYNODE  0 09:51:40    6
          1 09:51:40    6
          2 09:51:40    6
          3 09:51:40    6   40  40  40  40  40  40  40
Process  Cpu,Pin Affn IPU Busy% Name     RPM T0877(15FEB15) ET=10.0 Top
-------- ------- ---- --- ----- -------- -------------------------- ---
\ANYNODE  3,26   Bind   1 40.02 $IQ1     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             1
09:51:40  3,27   Bind   2 40.02 $IQ2     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             2
 .038710  3,28   Bind   3 40.02 $IQ3     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             3
          3,29   Bind   4 40.02 $IQ4     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             4
          3,30   Bind   5 40.02 $IQ5     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             5
          3,25   Bind   0 39.97 $IQ0     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             6
          3,19   Soft   3   .07 $RPMX    $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.SEEVIEW       7
          0,274  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP        8
          1,274  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP        9
          2,273  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP       10

Cpus     Cp HH:MM SS IPUs Cpu% i0% i1% i2% i3% i4% i5% i6% i7%
-------- -- -------- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
\ANYNODE  0 09:51:50    6
          1 09:51:50    6
          2 09:51:50    6
          3 09:51:50    6   50  50  50  50  50  50  50
Process  Cpu,Pin Affn IPU Busy% Name     RPM T0877(15FEB15) ET=10.0 Top
-------- ------- ---- --- ----- -------- -------------------------- ---
\ANYNODE  3,29   Bind   4 50.07 $IQ4     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             1
09:51:50  3,26   Bind   1 50.06 $IQ1     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             2
 .031992  3,27   Bind   2 50.06 $IQ2     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             3
          3,28   Bind   3 50.06 $IQ3     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             4
          3,30   Bind   5 50.06 $IQ5     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             5
          3,25   Bind   0 49.99 $IQ0     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             6
          3,19   Soft   3   .07 $RPMX    $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.SEEVIEW       7
          0,274  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP        8
          1,274  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP        9
          2,273  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP       10

Cpus     Cp HH:MM SS IPUs Cpu% i0% i1% i2% i3% i4% i5% i6% i7%
-------- -- -------- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
\ANYNODE  0 09:52:00    6
          1 09:52:00    6
          2 09:52:00    6
          3 09:52:00    6   60  60  60  60  60  60  60
Process  Cpu,Pin Affn IPU Busy% Name     RPM T0877(15FEB15) ET=10.0 Top
-------- ------- ---- --- ----- -------- -------------------------- ---
\ANYNODE  3,26   Bind   1 60.01 $IQ1     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             1
09:52:00  3,27   Bind   2 60.01 $IQ2     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             2
 .034525  3,28   Bind   3 60.01 $IQ3     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             3
          3,29   Bind   4 60.01 $IQ4     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             4
          3,30   Bind   5 60.01 $IQ5     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             5
          3,25   Bind   0 59.93 $IQ0     $OSS.BUSYIP.SPIN             6
          0,1100 Soft   5   .22 $Y37R    $SYSTEM.SYS01.RALPRVD        7
          1,389  Soft   3   .22 $ZCMOM   $SYSTEM.SYS01.CIMOM          8
          3,19   Soft   3   .07 $RPMX    $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.SEEVIEW       9
          0,274  Dyna   0   .05          $SYSTEM.SYS01.NTIMEIP       10 

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Lastmod: June 4, 2019